This is about my quest to achieving success through building my spa business. My goal is to provide the best for my family and give thanks to them. I dream of an abundant life where we can be the best that we can be.

My Journey Towards Financial Freedom

I started this blog mainly to chronicle my journey towards financial freedom through my own business. I want to share as much information as I can so others too may be inspired to take action and grab the chance to become successful.

My family is currently in a financial mess. We're buried in a mountain of debt. So deep, that I sometimes can't see clearly the end of it.

It was nearly five years ago that I started taking a different step to remedy our problem. Basically, I just got fed up with banks and creditors hounding us every minute of the day. A side of the financial world that you wouldn't want to mess with. They can get pretty resourceful, you know.

Anyway, what did I do back then? I started my own part-time business! I was working for a big IT firm here in the Philippines and was earning a decent pay (if you are single, that is). Honestly, it was a bold step back then since I did not have any experience running my own business. But the timing couldn't have been better. I was really looking for a way out of our dilemma.

The business is about anti-aging. Yes, folks. You read it right. From IT to anti-aging. From programmer to makeover. Hehe :)

And that's why I am here now. I figured that if I was to be successful, I need to be willing to do what unsuccessful people are not willing to do. To really commit myself since I am doing this for my loved ones and not for my ego.

Stay tuned!
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